Red Stripe Hand Drawn Playing Cards

Red Stripe Hand Drawn Playing Cards
Designer's words
A supportive friend, Gian Luca sent me some blank decks to test out the idea. Seems easy enough right? Wrong. Well I knew the faces of the cards would be easy enough but my main challenge was then duplicating this massively complex deck design 54 times perfectly. My first thought was, “Oh, I could just get a stamp that’s the size of a playing card.” I figured I could stamp all the areas that would be black and fill in the rest of the color by hand. Finding a stamp company took too long and cost too much money for the custom design I desired. Since I’d done everything by hand up to this point, I thought why not just bite down and do it all by hand? Easier said than done. I had to make two templates of the same design, but in different coverage areas, and even still there was a lot of the design I had to do by freehand. For 8 hours a day, 3 days straight, I colored in each pocket of color, color by color, like a human CMYK printing machine. Next I added all the black line work to frame the colors and hide any extra bleeding. Finally the main feature of the deck, the red stripe, completed the design.