Tulip Playing Cards Set (Light Blue, White, Dark blue)

Tulip Playing Cards Set (Light Blue, White, Dark blue)
Light Blue
- Traditional theme playing cards custom designed in Holland
- Embossed tuck boxes
- Limited edition 1100 decks
- 56 poker sized playing cards (52 cards + 4 jokers)
- Printed by USPCC, Air Cushion Finish on Crushed paper stock and traditionally cut
- Traditional theme playing cards custom designed in Holland
- Part of the Delft Blue series
- Embossing on the tuck
- Limited edition 1000 decks
- 56 poker sized playing cards (52 cards + 4 custom designed jokers)
- Printed by Legends
Dark Blue
- Traditional theme playing cards custom designed in Holland
- Embossed tuck boxes
- Limited edition 1000 decks
- 56 poker sized playing cards (52 cards + 4 jokers)
- Printed by USPCC, Air Cushion Finish on Crushed paper stock and traditionally cut